To work towards protection and preservation of
the ethno cultural diversity of India
To raise good conscience in people to spread the
message of trust and compassion for a happy
cohesive existence |
We believe in Development
through a process of Evolution and not by
Time to rediscover our own assets, our
indigenious respurces, our hidden treasures
To work with Indigenous/ Endangered/ Socially &
Economically Underprivileged Communities/ Tribes
in different parts of India & create Sustainable
Development Programs for them
To form Local Self-help Groups and provide
Financial/ Material/ Technical Support for the
development of Traditional Fibers like Wool,
Jute, Hemp etc and generate sustainability from
production and marketing of traditional and
improvised Hand-knit, Handloom & Handicraft
Products for those communities
To falicitate production and marketing of local
consumable Items like Honey, Fruit Products,
Pickles, Herbs etc
Income from sales of such Products to be used in
overall development of the lives of those
Communities/ Tribes in the area of Health
(Awareness Campaign & Health Camps), alternative
Education etc
To revive many of our disappearing Indigenous
Technologies, Wisdom & Practices including Folk
Medicines; create awareness to protect, preserve
and promote some of those Sustainable Nature
Friendly Models to the mainstream
To set up small Green Energy resources in
remotest areas for the benefit of the
underprevileged by utilising Solar, Wind, Micro-
Hydel, Bio-fuel resources
To preserve and protect many of our
dissappearing Languages by initiating projects
with Institutes/ Academicians from the field of
Linguistics/ Natural Language Processing/ Social
To preserve and protect many of our fast
disappearing Traditional/ Folk Art and Cultures
(Music/ Dance/ Theatre/ Visual Art/ Cuisine/
Crafts etc)
To proceed with organizing exhibitions/
functions/ concerts showcasing and promoting
their unique art forms and to record and develop
Corpus/ Audio-Visual Anthology of different folk
music forms along with reference to instruments,
texts, context, myths, rituals etc for
scientific research and social evolution
To initiate Rehabilitation projects for hapless
women & children victimized with Social Stigma/
Criminal Records/ Natural Disaster and integrate
them to the society with dignity and self belief
To initiate projects with Scientific/
Engineering Institutes to distribute Computers
for imparting education in the remotest areas
and provide special training and orientation so
that they can access a vast corpus of
Information and knowledge |