Your money is utilized to support a social entrepreneurship.
We invite likeminded souls to contribute and become a part of Bom-Bom.
Donate any amount
Become a Fan of BOM
and help an independent film
Your contribution supports the outreach campaign and distribution of the film BOM For every Rs 1,000 of contribution you receive two Bom-Tee of your choice
and a DVD of the film ‘BOM’
Donate any amount
Become a Friend of Bom-Bom
and help a Bom-Bom project
At present we are requesting contribution for our grand project of Preservation of Language
& Culture of Malana (Bom-Wall)
Indian Contributors
Contribute र10,000
Become a Member of Bom-Bom We return your money after one year with along with a Gift of Love
Foreign Contributors
Contribute $250or more
Become a Member of Bom-Bom
You receive Bom-Bom products worth of your contribution and a DVD of the film ‘BOM’ click here forOnlineStore
The tree is growing
it’s growing within you.
If you do care a little more
you can help it grow bigger!
'Bom-Bom Charitable Trust is a non-profit organisation registered under The Indian Trust Act'